North Beach

We fancied trying a different dog beach, so satnav suitably programmed we headed off to North Beach dog beach. North Beach is a suburb so its not North Dog Beach. Actually its only a few kms to the south of out usual dog beach but as it turned out is a very different prospect.

Initially hard to find, I stopped someone with a dog and said that our satnav tells us there’s a dog beach here – but she just knew about the one we usually go to. However a few metres along we saw dogs on the beach and a sign at the stairs saying dogs allowed. So down we went.

We wouldn’t have been able to do our usual trick of just taking our shoes off and padding along the path to the sand because the rocks we had to traverse were sharp limestone. Not that Siena was bothered. Once down we were presented with a series a fairly small beaches separated (at least as far as the tide would allow) by sharp rocks.

It didn’t seem to bother the many dogs who were there and, as usual, Siena had a great time.


Pernod or any Pastis is difficult to get here. Delia has just shown her crazy love by actually bringing a bottle back from her cat food shopping trip. No we don’t give the cat Pernod (though who knows he is such a fussy oik). Anyway we had seen some Ouzo for $53 (by example in Greece I managed to buy a bottle of this white version of Pastis for about 5 euros albeit not exactly the finest available). The local BWS (Beers Wines and Spirits – typical obvious Aussie name) were getting rid of their Pernod stock – they had to ask Delia what it was – a bargain at $38 (though not comparing well with the €15 a bottle would cost in France).

Anyway, we both enjoyed a measure (or two) with ice tonight.


We have continued with our Friday sunset walks at Burns Beach. Two or three weeks ago the weather was bracing – I compared it with a refreshing walk along the cliffs from Whitby to Robin Hoods Bay in North Yorkshire. Another week, we thought we’d limit the time for Siena to bark insistently to get going but we miscalculated and arrived 5 minutes after they had started off. Catch-up we thought, but they set such a pace that, keeping up is hard enough so we only met the main group during their return leg.

I have been to a local photography group, twice now. Some daunting skills to compete with but they are a good mix of people and skills. The competition night I went to last night saw some extremely creative and skilled photography so I’m going to have my work cut-out trying to keep up.


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