Hello and welcome from Perth, this is my first blog about Perth since we’ve been back. It is interesting, after coming from France where we were under such a strict lockdown, to here where we are able to have meals out. On Friday after visiting my (new) Oncologist to have my 6 month follow up Pat and I walked around Elizabeth Quays and sat down to have lunch with a glass of wine overlooking the quays – it was lovely.
Now that we are out of quarantine, we have spent the past two weeks doing things to get ourselves established, things like getting our bank accounts sorted, driving licences exchanged, Tax file numbers sorted, medical things sorted, there is so much to do when you move countries. I’ve also had to get myself back on the electoral roll. I’ve also had an interview with an agency about finding work, so hopefully it won’t take long to get a job. We have also hung some paintings in our bedroom to help make it feel a bit more us – I doubt this will be surprising.
I’ve also slowly been catching up with various family members, this has been nice and most people have been very generous with helping us with various things (like lending us cars – especially so that Pat and I could get his new 2nd hand desk to mums). We’re continuing to sort out the admin and catch-up with people this week. Hopefully the main bulk of the admin will be completed this week and we will be able to buy a car in the next couple of weeks.

The other things we have been doing very regularly is going for a walk along the dog beach, we haven’t been able to do this every day, but most days we will drive to the beach and watch Siena run along the sand, say hello to other dogs and try to avoid getting wet. We went this morning and it was fantastic and there was even a coffee van to buy a cup of coffee after our walk. Pat and I are also really enjoying this aspect of our new lives, walking along the beach with lots of dogs just makes one smile.
So for now à bientôt from our wonderful part of Australia.