Despite me not being very good at writing a blog recently, we have actually been doing stuff! I’m actually going to work my way backwards as it is easier on my brain. Sunday was Pat’s and my wedding anniversary – this time 12 years ago we were in Wales in the sunshine getting married.
Sunday (20 th ) here in Perth was windy – very windy – and wet. We decided that we would treat ourselves to a meal out at lunch time and went to a restaurant that overlooks the beach and is located where I grew up. We had the best table in the restaurant – on the corner of two windows looking out over the sea – we could watch the clouds race across the sky and the rain coming in. We had a lovely meal and enjoyed sitting and talking.

On Friday, we went on our usual evening walk with a walking group – Siena had her first encounter with an Australian snake – thankfully she didn’t get bitten but it definitely made us very aware that the weather is getting warm enough for the snakes to be out and about.
On Thursday as it was a beautiful day Pat, Siena and I drove to Kings Park. Kings Park is a huge park that is on a hill overlooking Perth. It was stunning as the spring flowers are now out (and I’m having to take hay fever tablets daily). We got to explore only a small part of the park and we got to enjoy the sunshine and the views and for Siena lots of new and interesting smells.
We also had the house to ourselves for 11 days as mum and my aunt went on a holiday up the coast of Western Australia. It’s very busy up that way at the moment as we are allowed to travel within Western Australia since we don’t have any community transfer of COVID-19. I think it will be a shock when/if we do get hit.
As to the rest of life. I’m still looking for work and not having much luck which isn’t fun. Pat is still trying to develop his business and is doing a lot towards that. I’m trying to develop some things in relation to my art (more on that later).
For now á beintôt from our wonderful part of Australia.