On the Beach

Delia and Pat in Australia

I’ve been on a plane!

Hello everyone.  I went on a long weekend to Sydney – this necessitated a flight on a plane.  It was fabulous. I had a fabulous time with my girlfriend S.  I arrived on Friday evening and after a journey from the airport with some chatting, we went off to bed.  Saturday was planned to head out for afternoon tea (at lunch time).  This was my gift to S for her 50th birthday – we were meant to go on this outing in 2020 once I got back to Australia but, we all know what happened.  On Saturday we headed off to firstly go look at an art gallery which I really enjoyed.  A few art galleries later we headed off to our afternoon tea stop.  We had a lovely afternoon tea overlooking the harbour.  We had a very friendly kookaburra who tried to steal food from me (it didn’t succeed from me but did from another table).  After we had eaten, we went down to the harbour to get a ferry across to the city.  That was great.  A little while in town and then a bus ride home.  We spent the evening watching Howl’s Moving Castle.

Sunday was a trip off to the Sydney Easter Show. We started the day with coffee and then the dog show.  It was great to see, and things have changed since I showed dogs.  We then continued through the other pavilions, looking at food, the history of the show, fashion, cake decorating, art and flowers.  This literally took us all day.  It was fun but very, very exhausting.  Dinner was eaten out at the local pub as we were all shattered.  It was a great night and S and I spent the rest of the evening have a great chat.

Monday was a spa day and overnight at a hotel in Sydney.  We spent the morning going through clothes – this is what we do at least once when we are together.  Then we headed off into town and got ourselves scrubbed and massaged.  I will say that my skin a week later is still feeling fabulous.  We then headed off to our hotel and went off to the pool.  Unfortunately, things were a bit busy around the pool and after a quick swim, we went back to our room and decided to just relax.  Our next task was to find somewhere that was open for dinner on Easter Monday!  We could see a place from our hotel room that looked interesting (it had a large open balcony) – so off we headed and yes it was open.  After a meal and a couple of drinks (I had my first mojito with alcohol – to be honest it tastes identical to a virgin one) we headed back to our hotel room as I had an early start to deal with the chaos that was Sydney airport.

The sunrise on Tuesday morning was incredible, it just felt like the best end to a fun filled weekend.  I hopped on the train and got to Sydney airport early – was through security in 35 minutes – I only had hand luggage.  Off to the business class lounge for coffee and a bit to eat, then my 5 hour flight back to Perth (yes Australia is big).

All in all I had a really great time and enjoyed catching up with my friend.  Despite Covid it has been great to be out and about – I did do a Covid test when I got home, and so far, so good no Covid.

Until next time!