On the Beach

Delia and Pat in Australia

York Night sky

York WA then Covid

Hello everyone

The holiday blog is coming, this is just an update to say that Covid has finally invaded our lives.  I’m in bed typing this and have spent the last few days here.  So no fun for me this weekend – which is slightly annoying as spring has definitely shown up and the weather in Perth is glorious.

We shall survive.

Until next time.


Pat here – I promised to do this but decided I had some photos from a field trip I mad a few weeks ago … then covid hit. We are still testing positive but no symptoms to speak of, other than exhaustion.

Anyway – a few weeks back I was away for a weekend with the photo club in York (WA). Delia and I had been there before and taken a few snaps but this was just me specifically to photograph.

See the gallery below with captions.