It was time to try out the new car and be tourists We had visited Guildford before with Auntie Barb to collect a birdbath and I reckon we visited on one of our past trips to Aus. But this week we decided to make a proper job of it, take the camera and sight see.
We parked near the old courthouse which was now the tourist agency, got some info on where to walk and off we went. Past Taylors Cottage towards the old Post Office with its distinctive clock tower. Click on the image of the information board to read it.
We then headed across the busy railway line – every half hour it seemed. Note the somewhat disturbing warning to not get killed by trains when having your wedding photos taken! As an aside we saw a surprising number of planes flying over – Guildford is not far from Perth Airport – probably internal flights taking tourists north to the beaches (all in WA).
I thought the streets were wide (though not as wide as Kalgoorlie apparently to allow camel trains to turn, so Delia says). There is quite a range of building styles but I am going to have to get used to a more compressed, granular history where decades are notable as opposed to the centuries Brits might be used to.
Oh and the postie drive a peculiar bright yellow electric thingy.
We wandered amongst bric a brac stores – all of the proprietors enjoying the liberation of newly lessened covid restrictions – just clean you hands and keep your distance.
Wandering back towards the track crossing we decided to enjoy a drink in The Guildford Hotel. Recently fully renovated after being gutted by fire in 2008. A lot of the interior has been left with some of the damage still evident albeit tidied up. Our drink became a delicious meal of fancy burgers and chips on the upstairs balcony. Placing our order by phone to maintain physical distancing. The food was lovely and enjoyed whilst we basked in the winter sun. Delia of course had bubbles.
After lunch we strolled back past the sugar gums, across the rail track and through Stirling Square – a delightfully green park at the heart of the town.
Further wanderings took us past further historic buildings – Terrace Road Bakery and the Rose and Crown hotel.
And to round off this weeks photo-heavy post is a picture of the Perth skyline, nearly home from the morning dog walk. You should be able to recognise a couple of the buildings shapes from the first blog. I think the leftmost building is the Westin Hotel where we were quarantined.
And below is another beach photo. This time in mid-afternoon.