On the Beach

Delia and Pat in Australia

Christmas Holiday and What’s Next?

It is coming to the end of 2022 and things are not totally where I expected them to be.

Pat, Siena and I are back from our Christmas break. This time we headed 750km south east of
Perth to Esperance. We had a lovely relaxing time and went for a walk on the beach every day.

There will be fabulous photos from Pat below.

This holiday did get me thinking about what makes a successful holiday for me? This is something I do want to analyse and figure out what makes a good holiday for me.

However, when I think about what would be my top 3 holidays they are all very different. I can’t see where the links are – about the only part for all of them is not going to a place during the high season. I think the thing about all 3 holidays – which for anyone who is curious they were Venice, Crete and Granada – all of these were top of my list of places to visit but all were such different holidays. Ultimately I’m not sure what makes a good holiday.

I’m now off to Sydney (leaving Pat in Perth) for a few days. Until next time.