On the Beach

Delia and Pat in Australia

March 2023

It looks like this is going to be a monthly blog

While the mind is willing, the body is weak, and we have not been finding time to write our blogs. We have now fully moved into mum’s house, it is lovely to have our own bed, my back is very appreciative of this. We’re slowly finding our routine, but it does include a lovely walk in the morning for Pat and Siena as they head down to the local bush reserve. They have encountered the local kangaroos a few times. It is lovely to have that type of thing in the middle of suburbia.

A little while back (read November last year) I posted a blog about unfinished projects. As a way of getting some painting done, I pulled a couple of small paintings out of my stash. They were sky backgrounds which I was experimenting with.  I’ve now completed them, with different levels of success, I do love the cherry blossom one, the other is ok, but not really my style. I’ve tried out this type of painting a few times, but just don’t think they are me. This weekend I’ve also dug out a couple of my sewing projects to try and progress, we shall see.

For a little bit of biggish news, I’m changing jobs. I had a friend recommend a secondment to me (to another government department), it is at the next level up from my current role and I will be working for the CFO. While I am enjoying my current role, this was just a little too good to let pass, so in April I will be changing roles and it has come as a bit of a surprise.

We did catch-up with our friends on Wednesday night, including the above mentioned friend, a quick celebratory drink and meal was had and it was lovely to be able to get back into that type of routine. However, since one of our dinner companions has tested positive, so I’ve been testing myself for the past couple of days.  So far I’m still negative, but if last time is anything to go by today will be the day that I test positive. Fingers crossed we don’t have to worry about another bought of sickness (especially as I have no leave left having used it for mum’s accident).

And on to the biggest news in our lives, Pat has become a grandfather again. The newest member of the Bell clan is an Australian!

Until next time.