On the Beach

Delia and Pat in Australia

Inland Western Australia

Another late blog, this seems to be my style at the moment – sorry.  You would think that because I’m not working that I would have time, but alas no.  In my defence, I did spend the weekend in pain and on pain killers as I have had to have a tooth removed!  But since our last blog we have done a few things.  We went for another Friday evening walk, which was great, really enjoying doing these walks.  I also went to the hairdressers for a cut and colour – woo hoo – loving the colour and the fact that my hair is actually growing.

Pat and I also went and had a day out.  We drove to the inland town of York – the oldest inland town in Western Australia.  It was lovely to spend a few hours just meandering through a small town with a few art galleries and antique/bric-a-brac type places.  Our day did start with a stop in Mundaring to have coffee and a look at the Mundaring Arts Centre – which had an exhibition around the theme of wool – interesting.  We then continued our drive out to York, the first place we came to was the old Mill – which had a bric-a-brac type place and a café out the back so we chose that for lunch and it was warm enough to sit outside.  Unfortunately, all the spots in the sun were taken, but we had a nice place to eat and be out of the wind.

From there we went up main street and just meandered around in and out of shops and I specifically went looking for an art gallery that I had seen on line.  I loved the exhibition that they had which was by a West Australian artist Shane Moad.  We enjoyed our walk up and down the high street – with a couple of detours to look at other things – we then stopped and had an ice-cream – yum.  After that a quick look at the suspension bridge and a little church then off up to Mount Brown which overlooks York – it was incredibly windy up the top and someone was trying to fly a drone!  A few photos and then we headed home.  All in all a lovely day out.

For this coming weekend, I’m thinking we might catch the train and head for Fremantle and do some exploring around there.

For now á beintôt from our wonderful part of Australia.