On the Beach

Delia and Pat in Australia

A blog from me – yah

I’m finally sitting down and writing a blog. Not that I haven’t actually tried to write before today, I was just struggling. With working I was tired, and I’m currently working again, thankfully I finish at 3pm at the moment so I am really enjoying that, however I am very, aware how many people read this blog who are currently living in lock-down and we in WA are basically living life as normal. I travel the train to get to work – no mask – I can go for a meal at a restaurant, I went out to a Christmas do in a pub on Friday night. I trust you can enjoy reading our blog and perhaps discovering what it is like to have Christmas in summer, walks on the beach, and just live a little through what we are doing.

As I mentioned I went to a Christmas function on Friday night, which was for one of the places I was temping at – I worked there for 5 weeks and was pleasantly surprised to be invited to the Christmas function, I had a great time chatting to people and drinking Prosecco. It was really nice to catch-up with people.

We’ve almost completed our Christmas shopping which is nice. We have one more gift to buy and one to pick-up – oh and one that I still have a couple of items to add to the box. I wrapped most things today which was good to get that out of the way. I also needed to get things out of my linen closet as I had other things to put in!

What else have I been doing? Buying clothes springs to mind. I currently don’t fit into a few of my clothes (thank you menopause)! I also have realised I have very little office wear that is appropriate for the heat we have here in Perth. I have bought myself a few things – and surprise, surprise there are 3 dresses in my wardrobe now. I also had my hair cut during the week and while it isn’t fully back to being in a bob – it looks like it is – so I am feeling very much like myself again. I did have to go for a bone density scan this week – results on Tuesday.

One thing I am thinking about trying for the new year is a “no spend year” I’ve yet to figure out what this actually means for me, but it would be a challenge. Anyone who has tried this or read the book “the year of less” by Cait Flanders would understand it isn’t really a no spend year but thinking about what you buy and planning for things, but also no “isn’t that pretty/fabulous/cheap” let me buy it now. I’m still to flesh out how this will look for me, but one thing is certain – a house move will be included on my list of things I can spend on!


Until next time, Delia