On the Beach

Delia and Pat in Australia

31st December 2020 – The Diet starts tomorrow!

31st December 2020 – The Diet starts tomorrow!

Usually one ends the year with a raft of New Years Resolutions and the like, however I noticed that last year we did a look back on the year about all the good things that had happened – and I really liked this – especially as 2019 was a difficult year for Pat and I with my cancer and I think for everyone 2020 has been an unusual and unexpected year that to look back at the good things and the things we’ve done might be a wonderful surprise.

January – we were still in France and we started our year with me finishing cancer treatment and a trip to the UK (remember when we could all travel). This was our farewell tour and we had a great time – one highlight was seeing a production of The Book of Mormon (remember when you could go to the theatre). This trip did extend into February.

February – we sold our car and various other items in preparation for our flights in March (Iittle did we know). We caught up with lots of our friends in France and had some wonderful meals out.

March – a trip to Paris, this was meant to be our last few days in Paris before we headed home, but by this stage, Covid was starting to affect things, 1 flight had been cancelled and our pets rebooked for the end of March. We did have a lovely time in Paris and I finally got to the top of the Eiffel Tower (something I had been trying to do since my first trip to Paris in 2000!!!). We also had a wonderful catch-up with friends. Lockdown started.

April – Still in lockdown but I was able to sign-up for skillshare and I started painting and drawing every day. This was so much fun and really did help my skill level.

May – Pat’s 65th birthday – perhaps not celebrated as planned but a fun birthday none-the-less. Notification that our pets and us can fly – woo hoo. Our last trip to Paris – it was very different to our one in March.

June – Hotel Quarantine – while there have been a lot of complaints about this we didn’t mind so much, we were in Australia and Perth was coming out of quarantine. We had some good views from our hotel window and the bathroom had the most magnificent bath. We were also reunited with my family which was wonderful.

July – We bought a new (to us) car – it’s bright red and I love it. We also got to explore Perth a bit. I started my sewing course and I also had my 6 month follow-up mammogram and ultra sound which were all clear.

August – We started getting out a lot more and did our first evening walk along the Burns Beach foreshore with a social group.

September – We celebrated our wedding anniversary with a nice lunch. We also had 12 days to ourselves as mum went on holiday.

October – I turned 50 and we actually got to go out for my birthday – a lovely meal. I also started to paint every day again. I also started my first temp role.

November – The temping (and income) continues. I also had an afternoon out painting at a winery which was fabulous.

December – A summer Christmas – Pat’s second one (the first was in 2014). Lots and lots of dog walks to the beach. Also this month I had my first haircut that looked vaguely bob like – it made me feel like me again.

Below are two photos, both taken on the 1st January – one in 2019 and one in 2020. My hair has grown a lot and how my world has changed over the past year.