Summers here and a late Christmas.

Friday we had a flood (well 5) christmas cards arrive. Those with dates said sent on 4th December. So thanks to all of you who sent us cards. Not sure how much covid had to do with it but nearly 6 weeks does seem more than usually delayed. Thanks to all of you though.

So 41c means summer’s here. Mostly just mid 30’s though. I vowed not to complain about heat when I came to Aus and tbh it’s the pets that do the moaning.  For me a fan on my back works fine and Siena sits nearby but doesn’t like to be in its direct path. Wallis just flops on the tiles like a puppet with his strings cut. But at night! Wallis whinges all night instructing his minions to make it cooler. Siena hides under the bed (too hot to put her in her crate) and sneaks up on the bed between us at some stage during the early hours when its cooler. It turned cooler yesterday afternoon as we were on our way for a swim at the beach and today is only in the mid 20s. Wallis is grateful for the cooler weather especially since we had his teeth cleaned (and 6 removed as loose). First time in his 13 years or so and he is just starting to eat now.  Back to mid-30’s tomorrow apparently.

There are bush fires happening to the north of Perth and yellow fire fighting helicopters are still flying to the bush fires which are dying down according to the news. Little sign of them here, some grey bases to the clouds but for now they are a fair distance away.

We have been a bit quiet blog-wise lately, perhaps the initial flush of the new has passed. However we have “resolved” (New Year-wise) to have at least one day out each month so should be more photos. We did go for an introductory session of standup paddle boarding that might have Delia hooked! The dog beach is still popular for us but it is getting so crowded we realise how much of a country mouse Siena is. In winter she loved nothing more than running between the occasional people and dogs but now its so packed and busy its all a bit too crazy.

We did give Siena a try at swimming. She usually tiptoes away from the advancing see as it sweeps back and forth but we picked her up and gently lowered her in. She started swimming towards Delia but quickly turned around and headed rapidly for shore. The next time, Delia went in alone and Siena sat calmly with me for a while but then ran down to the shoreline and barked until Delia came out. Below is are two phone shots, a kangaroo I saw on my morning walk (elusive buggers) and Delia swimming (with Siena decidedly NOT).

I must confess not to have taken many photos lately, I have been curating my archive of some 30,000 (really 10,000 since I have had good cameras). I looking for some good ones to put in for my photoclub competitions. Here are the two I have put in for this month – wish me luck!