On the Beach

Delia and Pat in Australia

A hunting we will go…

A house hunting that is.  Before anyone gets too excited, it is for rental property.  We had a chat with a mortgage broker this week and now know a lot more about the Australian market.  While being a contractor doesn’t preclude me from getting a mortgage, I do need to have had at least 12 months steady income.  Therefore, Pat and I have decided to rent, and since we are planning on renting we decided we would head somewhere which would give me an easier commute into work.  We are now looking in the Inner Eastern suburbs of Perth and I’m considering getting a bike (preferably electric) to ride to work.  We had a good look around yesterday near the river and found a couple of places that we think would suit us and we have applied for them.  We shall see what happens.  We think we will be renting for between 1-2 years.

If any of you remember I mentioned a while back that Pat gave me a bread baking book for my birthday – I’ve been slowly working my way through – and up to know have had fairly good success with my baking.  That is until I tried Croissants!  I do have some very nice, sweet, bread rolls that are croissant shaped – but I don’t have croissants.  I totally lost the lamination in the dough (which is what gives you the nice flaky pastry).  These may definitely take more than one attempt.

We had a nice Easter, and as it was my dad’s birthday we headed out for lunch on Easter day.  A small winery in the Swan Valley which had some interesting sharing platters and some very nice sparking wine.  From there I spotted a house on the opposite side of the river and made some comment along the lines of how nice it was.  Dad smiled a little and we got into the car and headed towards said house, to end up pulling in to All Saints Church – the oldest church in Western Australia and neighbour to previously viewed house.  The Church was unfortunately locked but it was interesting to view it from the outside and look around the graveyard.

If you are curious – yes I did make hot cross buns for Easter and they worked a treat.

Until next time, be kind to yourself and others, Delia