On the Beach

Delia and Pat in Australia


It’s been a while.  I think I’ve needed a break from a few things, blog writing and art being of the big ones.  I’ve also not been on Instagram or Facebook so I guess I’ve taken a break from a few things.  Except my sewing – now that I’m in our new place I have been doing some sewing – I think it’s because I have a nice big table to work on – and the reality is I do need some creative outlet and if I’m not doing my art, I need to do something.  However, we are planning to write regularly now – the plan is for every week.What have we been up to?  We’ve been doing a few things, we had dinner out last Sunday with a new social group we have joined.  It appears to be fairly active and it has things on in our suburb so that is great.  We did miss one yesterday which we would have enjoyed, but we already had plans.  We’re currently having a long weekend, which is nice, on Saturday morning we walked all the way into East Perth – return journey is around 10km – and since I haven’t really done anything like that for a while, I did feel it.  But it was a lovely day and the walk is beside the river the entire way.  We were also able to get coffee and sit down at the mid-way point – always a good thing – it’s hard to find bad coffee in Perth.I will admit I have been a bit surprised about how I’m feeling these days.  I’m feeling very contented – which is somewhat unexpected.  Partly because I’m not sure if Australia is where I want to be (I know we’ve just moved around the world to be back here), were not in our own house, I’m only in a contract role and not a permanent job, but all in all I feel really content.  I think I’m finally starting to be able to see the glass as half full rather than half empty.  I have a job that I mostly enjoy, I don’t have a long commute, I’m really happy where our house is, and after two years (we packed up our house in France in March 2019) I have my things around me.  Is it perfect, no, but I’m definitely more relaxed and I would say contented than I have been in a long time.  I’m hoping it will last and I can settle down and enjoy life for a while.Until next time, be kind to yourself and others, DeliaThis time last year – we were having our COVID test in preparation of getting out of quarantine. This year both Pat and I have had our first vaccinations and looking forward to our next one.