On the Beach

Delia and Pat in Australia

On the river and back to the beach

We are still enjoying our exploration of the area. An evening drink at The Swallow Bar. A good atmosphere and cosy, heaven knows where they would put the live jazz bands they often advertise. On another night, a meal with the Motivated in Maylands Meetup at Rifos and on to the Lyric Bar for some expensive drinks. A good social evening.

Last Friday we decided to give the nearby (walkable) Golf club bar a try. We sat outside, watched the end of the sunset and enjoyed a glass of wine served by a very enthusiastic bartender. I guess being only two of 4 customers made us popular. It was a bit chilly and the outside was not the best place to be but the interior was deserted and set up for a function it seemed. Even the free sausage rolls and pies (for the clientele they hadn’t got that evening) didn’t really make us think this would be a regular friday evening for us, perhaps in the spring?

Yesterday , we joined a dog walk Meetup that followed much of the route we had followed in our walk into town that Delia recounted in the previous post. We cut off the first couple of kilometres to meet at the Maylands Yacht Club with where we had a wonderful view of this meander of the Swan river, even graced by a black swan gliding along with the Perth skyline as a backdrop.

For myself I entered my photo club competition with an entry for “The secret life of a kitchen utensil” I got a Bronze mostly, perhaps, for the laugh my “Cereal Killer” got. I didn’t get anything for my Norfolk RNLI boat shed – it seemed that the judge couldn’t believe it was Norfolk nor that the boat could traverse that much beach… but mostly because I had over-processed the sky (d’oh).  But he didn’t see that I had photo-shopped a buoy.

Just to remind you that we are still near the beach – here’s a handheld video of South of City Beach last Thursday (if you have sound, there’s waves crashing, wind and the Surf Life savers’ dune buggy in the background at the end.