On the Beach

Delia and Pat in Australia

One year on.

Firstly, an apology we should have had a blog up last weekend, but unfortunately, we had a very sick Siena (our dog) – 2 trips to an emergency vet and 2 days in our local vets on fluids, x-rays, blood tests, an ultra sound – it was intense, we actually thought we were going to lose her so that made for a stressful time. On top of all that, Perth has gone back into Lockdown.  Thankfully Siena is on the mend, she isn’t 100% yet, but she is definitely getting back to her normal bouncy self.

We have been in Western Australia now for just over a year.  It has been an odd year – once we came out of quarantine, Perth was so strange as Covid had been eliminated in the community so we could go out and about in a normal way – which after coming from France, felt very odd to us.  Thankfully we got to live that way for nearly 9 months (I think) before we went into our first lockdown (in Perth) in January, and when we finally got to move into our own place in April – another lockdown and now this one.

For me the biggest noticeable effect of COVID once I was in Perth, was how long it took me to get a job.  It actually ended up being a much more difficult year than I anticipated, I think because things didn’t happen the way we expected.  But we did get to go to the beach – a lot – something we really enjoyed, Pat has been doing a lot more photography and I did get a lot of painting done and have been discovering a love of sewing.

Planning ahead for the next year, we’re hoping a few more weekends away, and maybe even a trip to the Eastern States. We do want to buy our own place, but we’re unsure if that will happen in the next year.  I of course would like to get a permanent job, contract work is fine, but not where I really want to be.  I also want to do a lot more painting, I’ve had a bit of a dry spell over the past couple of months, but I’ve decided to challenge myself, so for the month of July I’m planning on painting 15 paintings – it’s a lot but I think it is doable.  I’m planning on all of them being around A4 size, and most probably in acrylics as for this type of challenge that would work well – keep an eye on my Instagram if you are interested (deliawallaceart).

Until next time, be kind to yourself and others, Delia