On the Beach

Delia and Pat in Australia

Sprung grass

Walking Siena for her evening “relief”, I was struck, as I often have been, by how springy the grass here is. In the UK if it’s mown it is pretty solid, but here, its like walking on a thick layer of rubber. It always takes me aback, just not natural!  I believe it to be buffalo grass and especially drought tolerant. That being said, come summer, any grass, that isn’t watered copiously, turns brown and vanishes (though usually returning after rain. I am sure an Aussie will pipe up and correct my misapprehensions but, whatever, it IS springy.

Locked down this week so not a lot happening. Delia worked from home, it was like old times with us both at home, nice to have company other than Siena. Delia started back with Dragon Boating this morning (Saturday) but I stayed in bed too long to get out in time to see here paddling past my usual jetty. It sounds like its going to be a busy dragon boating year for her, what with Masters, the Avon Descent and a Regatta. She’ll have arm and shoulder muscles like Desperate Dan and will be able to open sauce bottles at last. More importantly, the Tranby House tea room are open and we plan a leisurely Sunday brunch.

Its been a rainy week and tomorrow night is supposed to be a humdinger of a storm. So, in case we cannot do so tomorrow, we took another walk with Siena along the river and had a closer look at the “Tea Rooms”. They have been teasing us ever since we moved here – last year they had closed down and there was a notice about plans to open up during May this year. There had been an application to open a restaurant apparently but which was blocked by local residents – I guess late evening clientele would have been disruptive for them – it would have been nice to be able to walk to a riverside restaurant on summer evenings – I guess the golf club will have to suffice. Still, we have somewhere for the daytime.

This Wednesday is the judging for the camera club competition. This time the subject is Winter. I have quite a lot to choose from my time in France. UK winter photos are too long ago to be allowed.  I have been working through photos of the dawn taken on my morning walks and I have entered one of those in the Open section.