On the Beach

Delia and Pat in Australia

Earth, Wind and Rain, lots of rain

Hi everyone, firstly an apology for the lack of paintings on my Instagram and to share via this blog.  I’ve not been doing a lot of painting of late, not sure why, but watch this space… the inspiration is kicking in.  Pat and I went to the opening night of an exhibition last week, and it really got me inspired again.  I am hoping to put some of my work in next year.  It is a fund-raising exhibition for the school my sister works at.

I’m also back to Dragon Boating, but unfortunately, we haven’t been out on the water of late, the weather has been horrible and we won’t go out if it is raining or there is the risk of lightning (and the task of baling out!).  The river is also currently very, very high and there are lots of flood warnings in place.  Not the usual state of affairs for Perth I must admit, but it will make for an interesting Avon Decent in a couple of weeks (it’s a white-water event along the Avon & Swan rivers).  There is a 6km dragon boat race as well – but that isn’t in the white water!

Last weekend we also had one of my cousins and her husband for Sunday lunch which was really nice, Pat made a slow cooked pulled pork and roast potatoes and lots of other veggies.  We also had cheese and some lovely little lime meringue tarts (which I made).  Today we’ve got my mum and one of my aunts coming for afternoon tea.  I’ve made pumpkin scones and normal scones – don’t they look fantastic?  I’m looking forward to eating them.

I have been doing some sewing, which has been fun.  I’ve almost finished a waistcoat that I’ve been making.  I’m at the final stage and need to add the buttons, which is always slightly nerve racking as button holes are not the easiest thing to do.  I’ll put a photo up when finished.

Pat is also looking at places to visit so that we can have a weekend away for our anniversary.  I’m also planning a weekend away with one of my friends in October.  She is based in Sydney and we are really hoping that we can get back to traveling interstate by October.  And I’m hoping that the international borders will be open next year, because I so want to travel further than WA.

Until next time, be kind to yourself and others, Delia