On the Beach

Delia and Pat in Australia

Amazons and stuff

The sun came back last week. Since Thursday I’ve actually been wearing a sun hat. Perfect for the Avon Descent this weekend – river in full spate and beautiful weather. The Avon Descent is an annual, two-day, white water event along 124km of the Avon and Swan Rivers in Western Australia. It includes both paddle craft and small motor boats. It finishes just a few kms away from us. The significance for us is that Delia’s Dragon Boat Club were competing. Not the white water section I hasten to add – just the last 5 kms. Delia isn’t quite up to that distance yet, she managed 1 km on her Saturday training session but has had aching muscles most of the weekend.

There was one team from Delia’s club, the Amazons, all breast cancer survivors/supporters dressed in striking pink club shirts. The boats are “dressed” with their dragon heads and tails – all looking quite magnificent. I took some shots of the Dragon boats finishing and the crew as they prepared to paddle home, just around the river bend. We didn’t stay for the rush of competitors in kayaks, canoes and small powered metal boats (tinnies) and inflatables.

Meanwhile in other news… we had a pub meet with our Maylands meetup and are looking forward to a meal with them at the end of August. Both outings in Maylands establishments. We are very lucky to be spoilt for choice here for places to go. Saturday we also met up with Delia’s very pregnant niece and husband for coffee. Delia’s niece is also our dentist so we’ll try not to get a toothache for the next few months. Her husband is a cardiologist so we really want to avoid needing his services!Returning home on Saturday we decided to watch the sunset by the river through the palm trees from our nearby golf club bar. My poor English brain is confused about mid-winter evenings!I got a couple of bronze “awards” in a recent competition of my photo club – the subject was “motion”. I blurred a kangaroo shot by zooming as I clicked. The other “open” submission was a sunset image near Whitby UK